Chairman's Message


I Wish to share my experience with you that may mark a turning point in your life and career :
Try to pictures in your mind what success looks like for you. Too many of us measure our success by what others have done or haven’t done. Many have a vague idea what we ultimately want in life. Decide how you will measure your own success .it will help you control your life.

Whatever your talents and strength are take an honest assessment. See what you have to work with and look for opportunities to build on these strength.

Successful individuals have specific goals, deadlines and action plans .After reaching one goal go ahead in pursuit of your new goal. Winners expect to win in advance .remember choice not chance determines destiny.

Today’s preparation determines tomorrow achievements .To excel in you’re your chosen field, you have to pay the price, time practice, commitment and sacrifice etc.We need discipline to realize our potential and to

keep devoted to the task of completion. Self-control is a must. You can’t always control the circumstances but you can control the reaction and response.

Thomas Edison made the most of his time by taking short naps to rejuvenate himself when working almost around the clock. Spend your minute as wisely as your money this means the difference between success and failure.

When you humble yourself to ask somebody’s advice he feels happy and honoured and does favour for you because you have complimented for his expertise. you grow from his wisdom.

Feedback properly evaluated from a caring contributor can be immensely helpful. We need to measure ourselves with someone else‘s yardstick occasionally.

Our knowledge is much more valuable than gold. Knowledge can bring gold but gold can’t bring knowledge. Stay alert and informed .Be a vivacious reader.

Communicative skills both talking and writing create an impression. it may clarify or confuse. You get what you want and you don’t depend on your communicative ability.

Quality is always product of efforts. Pay attention to the details, shoddy work, carelessness and mistake irritate people and destroys personal credibility and endangers lives. Quality brings reputation and makes trustworthy.

If you plan for a worthwhile goal you will have to take risks. Risks are the bridge you will have to cross wisely.

Being dependable need you have to be wise, careful, hardworking, foresighted and trustworthy and accountable. Daniel Webster says “The most important thought that ever entered my mind is my personal accountability to almighty God”.

Ms. Archana sharma